Is Alcohol Sinful (Part 3) () - May 26, 2011

Mike Abendroth Mike Abendroth
Mike’s passion is preaching the Bible in a verse-by-verse fashion and training other men to do the same. He graduated from The Master’s Seminary in 1996 (M. Div.), received his doctorate in Expository Preaching at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in May 2006 (D. Min.), and is an adjunct professor at EBTC (European Bible Training Center) and The Master’s Seminary (Doctoral Mentor). Pastor Mike is also the author of Jesus Christ: The Prince of Preachers (DayOne, 2007)The Sovereignty and Supremacy of King Jesus (DayOne, 2011)Things that Go Bump in the Church (Harvest House, 2014), Discovering Romans (Zondervan, 2014), Sexual Fidelity (NoCo Media, 2015) and Evangelical White Lies (NoCo Media, 2016). He is overwhelmed at God’s grace in his salvation and for his family (Kim, Hayley, Luke, Maddie and Grace). Mike has been the Senior Pastor at Bethlehem Bible Church (BBC) in West Boylston, MA since April 1997. When not enjoying his family, Mike is often seen on this.
Part of the NoCo  Is Alcohol Sinful   series (NoCo)

Is Alcohol Sinful part 3

wine_pouringAbuse does not take away proper use. Don't say because of the abuse we shouldn't take away the proper use.

We need to remember that legalism is the same as licentiousness just on the other end.Another way to think of this is that using things outside of the boundaries of the bible is sin. If we change our minds to do things biblically, it is called repentance, and will change our lifestyle and our behavior.

Legalism is more dangerous disease than alcoholism because it doesn't look like one - Justin Taylor

Alcohol makes men fail. Legalism, helps them succeed in the world.

There are a number of places where the bibles speaks of wine being a sacrifice to the Lord, or wine being a blessing, or seeing Jesus making wine.

Paul could have said elders and deacons could not drink wine, however in 1 Tim 5 he commands Timothy to drink wine. Therefore, why tell people they can't drink wine, when the bible doesn't say so. Are we asking people to do more than the bible commands?


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