How To Remain a Spiritual Pygmy (Part 3) () - May 25, 2011

Mike Abendroth Mike Abendroth
Mike’s passion is preaching the Bible in a verse-by-verse fashion and training other men to do the same. He graduated from The Master’s Seminary in 1996 (M. Div.), received his doctorate in Expository Preaching at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in May 2006 (D. Min.), and is an adjunct professor at EBTC (European Bible Training Center) and The Master’s Seminary (Doctoral Mentor). Pastor Mike is also the author of Jesus Christ: The Prince of Preachers (DayOne, 2007)The Sovereignty and Supremacy of King Jesus (DayOne, 2011)Things that Go Bump in the Church (Harvest House, 2014), Discovering Romans (Zondervan, 2014), Sexual Fidelity (NoCo Media, 2015) and Evangelical White Lies (NoCo Media, 2016). He is overwhelmed at God’s grace in his salvation and for his family (Kim, Hayley, Luke, Maddie and Grace). Mike has been the Senior Pastor at Bethlehem Bible Church (BBC) in West Boylston, MA since April 1997. When not enjoying his family, Mike is often seen on this.
Part of the NoCo  How to Remain a Spiritual Pygmy   series (NoCo)

How To Remain a Spiritual Pygmy part 3

How to wear a diaper spiritual for the rest of your life.

There is a desire for pastors for church growth - maturation of the saints

They want their congregation to grow in the grace and the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ

How to stay a Spiritual Pygmy (cont.)

6. Forget that Jesus will literally return again. Deny the certain return of Christ Jesus.

1 John 3:1-3 - Everyone who purifies himself as He is pure.

If you know Jesus is coming back, should you not live as the citizen you are?

7. Don't get involved in a local church - Say things like I have been wounded

Sinners wound other sinners - They are positionally pure currently but they will be practically pure one day!

If you have been wounded before and don't agree with the elders on everything, take charge and do home church. In the end with an actual church, you won't agree with the elders on everything.

Right thinking ought to be: I have entrusted the elders with teaching me about God , and how to get to heaven but can't trust them with the color of the carpet?

8. Believe that knowledge alone sanctifies - We know that knowledge puffs up and we do need knowledge to grow. The spirit of God grows people. As those in Christ more regularly say no to sin, and yes to righteousness the application of that knowledge is what grows them.

9 Take your eyes off of Christ, his person and his work!

Think to yourself, I already got the gospel, now I just need good practical things.

Paul's goal in Ministry is to present every man mature in Christ - Colossians 1:28

When you fix your eyes on Jesus you will be learning and growing - Eph 4:13

The gospel is for Christian's today. If you don't keep your eyes focused on Christ, you will become legalistic or licentious.


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