Usurping the Authority of Christ

Remember your old Webster’s dictionary you used to grab(at least for those who lived before the internet) when you came across a word you didn't know the meaning of? Well, here is Webster’s definition of... U`surp´ v. t. 1. To seize, and hold in possession, by force, or without right; as, to usurp a throne; to [...]

By |2017-04-03T20:34:45-04:00September 23rd, 2014|Articles|Comments Off on Usurping the Authority of Christ

Hell: Grim, But Not a Fairy Tale

My first job had nothing to do with fast food or newspapers. It involved dressing up like a werewolf. It was not a paid job, but I had many responsibilities. I was hired to yell, growl, moan, and snarl. Tall teens were especially desirable for my particular job. I was a live “prop” inside a [...]

By |2017-04-03T20:34:46-04:00March 25th, 2014|Articles|Comments Off on Hell: Grim, But Not a Fairy Tale

Carl Trueman Preface: Things that go Bump in the church

One of my most treasured possessions is an old paperback Christian book.  It is somewhat battered and dog-eared and the pages are yellowed at the edges.  IT also has one of those awful 1980s covers, a picture of a sunset, that were so popular among evangelicals.   Aesthetically, it has all the appeal of a dated [...]

By |2017-04-03T20:34:46-04:00March 14th, 2014|Articles|Comments Off on Carl Trueman Preface: Things that go Bump in the church
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