Gospel Assurance: A 31 Day Guide to Assurance

The purpose of this book is simple: it is to give an assurance boost to Christians by directing their attention to Jesus and the doctrine of assurance. For those who already feel secure in Christ, it is designed to ensure that they keep a high level of assurance.

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Cancer is not your shepherd: A 31-Day Guide to Suffering

“You have cancer.”

Frightening words. Common words. How are Christians supposed to respond when they, or a family member, hear those words?

Cancer is not your shepherd

Like it or not, you are shepherded by something or someone. Everyone follows. Each person is led. You might be led by time, circumstances, a worldview, religion, ideology, debt, thoughts or a person. Or cancer. Cancer “shepherds” because it leads. It directs. But sadly, it does not guide, protect or provide. It destroys. Cancer is a bad shepherd. But cancer is not in charge.

Jesus is the Good and Great Shepherd

Christian, Jesus laid down His life for you. Jesus loves you. He will care for you. He will protect you. He will guide you. He will lead you. You know His voice. He will never leave you or forsake you. Jesus will not let you perish. You can trust the risen Jesus with your eternal destiny and life on earth.

You are not alone

While no one can take your blood tests, imaging, biopsies, infusions, medications, radiation and chemotherapy for you, no one can take the Lord from your side. You do not go through cancer treatments by yourself. The Lord is near!

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