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Episodes (2)

(Part of the Equipping Eve   series).
Dreams, visions, voices - are these the best ingredients for biblically sound teaching? A recent Christianity Today article upholds Beth Moore as a favorable example of a female Bible teacher. This leads us to ask in this latest episode of Equipping Eve: What happens when we see Beth Moore teach the Bible?
by Erin Benziger on January 17, 2015 (Equipping Eve).
(Part of the Equipping Eve   series).
Equipping Eve host Erin Benziger is back with another show directed to ladies. Many ministries and people talk about hearing from God. But do the scriptures support God speaking to people directly with a still small voice? How do we explain John 10:27? One survey claims that half of Americans who claim to believe in a personal God also claim to have done something because "God told them to." The professing church today is filled with people who claim to receive voices, visions, or dreams from God. Many of those who haven't received such personal revelation despair, wishing that they would. So how do we hear from God today?
by Erin Benziger on November 22, 2014 (Equipping Eve).