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Episodes (3)

(Part of the NoCo   series).
IncrediWorld-logo_COLOR_FINAL1-300x234-150x150Should your church have Vacation Bible School? Is it just a way to invite pagans to church? Mike and Steve discuss on today's show.
by Mike Abendroth, Steve Cooley on May 14, 2015 (NoCo).
(Part of the NoCo   series).
IncrediWorld-logo_COLOR_FINAL1-300x234Should your church have Vacation Bible School? Is it just a way to invite pagans to church? Mike and Steve discuss on today's show.
by Mike Abendroth, Steve Cooley on January 27, 2015 (NoCo).
(Part of the NoCo   series).
opcPastor Steve joins Pastor Mike in the NoCo studio today. What should you look for in a VBS curriculum? There is a plethora of erroneous VBS curriculum out there and at BBC we generally use parts of the OPC curriculum for VBS. What about something that PCUSA would make? Currently PCUSA is trying to stop people from fleeing their more liberal church to the more conservative churches of the OPC and PCA. Why are people leaving PCUSA? Listen in as Pastor Mike and Pastor Steve look at a letter from the PCUSA encouraging people to stay.
by Mike Abendroth, Steve Cooley on October 15, 2013 (NoCo).