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Episodes (14)

(Part of the NoCo   series).
pbabd037_goddess_durga_lionMany people believe in certain aspects of Hinduism without even realizing it. How about you? Pastor Mike continues to examine some common Hindu practices and beliefs that have infiltrated the world and even Christianity. Pastor Mike also spends some time looking at the Common English Bible on today's show--how does this translation stack up?
by Mike Abendroth on August 8, 2014 (NoCo).
(Part of the NoCo   series).
pbabd037_goddess_durga_lionMany people believe in certain aspects of Hinduism without even realizing it. How about you? Pastor Mike examines some common Hindu practices and beliefs that have infiltrated the world and even Christianity.
by Mike Abendroth on August 1, 2014 (NoCo).
(Part of the NoCo   series).
cross-skyPastor Steve Cooley, a.k.a. Tuesday Guy, preaches a sermon on today's episode. Hear about 4 divine truth claims taken from John 6:37-44. Do you believe these claims by Jesus are true?
by Mike Abendroth, Steve Cooley on July 1, 2014 (NoCo).
(Part of the NoCo   series).
bell Why do people not like strong authoritative preaching? Pastors must proclaim the truth--so why do so many get kicked out for doing so? Would you rather hear water down feel good messages or sermons based on the Word of God?
by Mike Abendroth on April 3, 2014 (NoCo).