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Episodes (2)

(Part of the Equipping Eve   series).
First Timothy 2:12 reads, "But I do not allow a woman to teach or exercise authority over a man, but to remain quiet." What did Paul mean by these words? Are these instructions open for interpretation? And if they are not, why do so many popular, professing Christian women seem willing to violate this command? What is the role of women in the Church? This latest episode of Equipping Eve tackles this controversial topic.
by Erin Benziger on January 3, 2015 (Equipping Eve).
(Part of the NoCo   series).
female_symbolThe effects of feminism have had a powerful effect on society. To keep up with the times, should men and women have interchangeable roles in local churches and families. Or can they operate however they see fit? What about submission?
by Mike Abendroth on February 14, 2014 (NoCo).