Steve Meister on Trinitarian Errors (Part 2) () - May 21, 2024

Steve Meister Steve Meister

A native Californian, Steve came to first believe the gospel in 1994 through the youth ministry of the local Baptist church. After serving as a leader and teacher in a church plant during his college years, Steve decided to forgo law school and studied at The Master’s Seminary (M.Div., 2007). Before beginning pastoral ministry in 2009, Steve served at Children’s Hunger Fund, where he developed and taught a curriculum to train church leaders in a biblical theology of compassion ministry.

Steve previously served as a pastor at another church in the Sacramento area, joining IBC as a staff pastor in 2014. He also serves on the board of the Bible Translation Fellowship.

Steve and Jenn enjoy life and ministry together in their home, their local church, and other opportunities the Lord provides for them to serve their community and the nations. They are the grateful parents of four children.

Part of the BBC Sermons   series (NoCo)

Steve examines five main trinitarian errors and how to avoid them. This was recorded at the Adult Sunday School at Bethlehem Bible Church.  


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