Dan Phillips Interview () - October 13, 2011

Mike Abendroth Mike Abendroth
Mike’s passion is preaching the Bible in a verse-by-verse fashion and training other men to do the same. He graduated from The Master’s Seminary in 1996 (M. Div.), received his doctorate in Expository Preaching at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in May 2006 (D. Min.), and is an adjunct professor at EBTC (European Bible Training Center) and The Master’s Seminary (Doctoral Mentor). Pastor Mike is also the author of Jesus Christ: The Prince of Preachers (DayOne, 2007)The Sovereignty and Supremacy of King Jesus (DayOne, 2011)Things that Go Bump in the Church (Harvest House, 2014), Discovering Romans (Zondervan, 2014), Sexual Fidelity (NoCo Media, 2015) and Evangelical White Lies (NoCo Media, 2016). He is overwhelmed at God’s grace in his salvation and for his family (Kim, Hayley, Luke, Maddie and Grace). Mike has been the Senior Pastor at Bethlehem Bible Church (BBC) in West Boylston, MA since April 1997. When not enjoying his family, Mike is often seen on this.
Part of the NoCo  Interviews   series (NoCo)

World-Tilting_GospelOn Today's NoCo - Pastor Mike interviews Dan Phillips, author of The World-Tilting Gospel - the subject of their discussion. Dan is one of the members of Team Pyro (along with Phil Johnson) - the writers of the Pyromaniacs blog.

Mike and Dan first discuss the subtitle - "Embracing a Biblical Worldview & Hanging on Tight". Dan reminds us that we are not born tabula rasa (clean slate), but we have been born with sin nature. Our base worldview is then not one that coincides with a Biblical one. As the Holy Spirit breathes life into believers when they first believe - our worldview shifts. We should then take our passions, preferences, thoughts, and opinions to the Word and submit them to its authority. Many Christians do not realize how radical of a shift this is and do not realize that everything needs to be submitted to the authority of the Word. These Christians don't hold on tight because they don't really see how bad the world is nor do they realize how much of a radical ongoing transformation is needed. Dan also speaks against the "let go and let God" notion - the commandments of Scripture are addressed to us, not the Holy Spirit - so we are held accountable.

Dan continues with the topic of the fall of man, and addresses it as Jesus does - Genesis is literal and did occur, it's not just some made up or figurative story. The first man, Adam, is our federal head - meaning he stands as our representative. Adam sinned against the only negative command that God gave him, and as a result "died" (he didn't die immediately). We are all born with the same rebellious nature of Adam and it is not simply a matter of reforming a few bad habits in order to come to God - our entire person must be changed by God through the last Adam - Christ Jesus.

The 4 main parts of the book are named and briefly discussed:

Part 1 - Who are We (getting at the truth of our identities)

Part 2 - What has God done for us (the eternal plan conceived, predicted, executed)

Part 3 - How do we get in (a tale of 2 towering truths)

Part 4 - How do we get going (preparing to launch)

Mysticism is defined in the book as well, and at a cursory glance it is an attractive thing. Yet it is in contradiction with a Biblical worldview. The "deeper-life" while promising to get you closer to Christ actually gets you so self-focused and not Christ-focused that the promise is nullified.

Mike endorses this book as it is Gospel-centered. Listen in to their conversation about it:


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