No Suits Allowed (Part 1) () - October 10, 2011

Mike Abendroth Mike Abendroth
Mike’s passion is preaching the Bible in a verse-by-verse fashion and training other men to do the same. He graduated from The Master’s Seminary in 1996 (M. Div.), received his doctorate in Expository Preaching at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in May 2006 (D. Min.), and is an adjunct professor at EBTC (European Bible Training Center) and The Master’s Seminary (Doctoral Mentor). Pastor Mike is also the author of Jesus Christ: The Prince of Preachers (DayOne, 2007)The Sovereignty and Supremacy of King Jesus (DayOne, 2011)Things that Go Bump in the Church (Harvest House, 2014), Discovering Romans (Zondervan, 2014), Sexual Fidelity (NoCo Media, 2015) and Evangelical White Lies (NoCo Media, 2016). He is overwhelmed at God’s grace in his salvation and for his family (Kim, Hayley, Luke, Maddie and Grace). Mike has been the Senior Pastor at Bethlehem Bible Church (BBC) in West Boylston, MA since April 1997. When not enjoying his family, Mike is often seen on this.
Part of the NoCo  BBC Sermons  No Suits Allowed   series (NoCo)

1038828_u_s__supreme_court_2Pastor Mike preaches verse by verse through the second part of his sermon recently preached at Bethlehem Bible Church, in West Boylston, Massachusetts. What does the Bible say about suing other Christians? Would you ever sue your brother, wife, or yourself? If you have been wronged by a Christian in the local church what do you do? You need to work through issues with other Christians in a Biblical manor. Paul talks to the church of Corinth at the start 1 Corinthians 6 about lawsuits against believers.

We should never sue other Christians over civil cases. To do so defames Jesus and His royal law (James 2). If a criminal case Romans 13 applies; but in the case of civil things dealing with money or property shame on you for suing another blood bought Christian.

5 Questions To Help Remind Us That You Should Never Take Another Christian To Court In Civil Matters Because We Are A Family And We Do Not Want To Sue Each Other In Order To Glorify Christ:

1) Would you dare sue a family member? (Review from last week) We should settle disputes before the Elders of our local church. 1 Corinthians 6:1 When one of you has a grievance against another, does he dare go to law before the unrighteous instead of the saints? People in the local church should be treated as family members (Luke 6). If you have a civil case against someone at church dealing with money, please talk to the Elders. You SHOULD NOT go before the unrighteous courts before the saints. Qualifications for church leaders and Elders can be found in 1 Timothy 3, Titus 1.

2) Don't you know that you are competent to judge? You have superior competence in the church judging. 1 Corinthians 6:2-3 Or do you not know that the saints will judge the world? And if the world is to be judged by you, are you incompetent to try trivial cases? Do you not know that we are to judge angels? How much more, then, matters pertaining to this life! You should not sue others because the church body has competency. See also Daniel 7 and Luke 22.

3) Why would ever settle for second best? 1 Corinthians 6:4 So if you have such cases, why do you lay them before those who have no standing in the church? If you were having surgery would you get a second rate doctor, or would you find the best doctor possible? Do not go to unbelievers that render judgments not for the glory of God. Lay your case before the Elders; they have systematically studied Scripture and want to handle matters according to Scripture. Do NOT lay your case before someone with no standing in the church. If you have a problems with another Christian at BBC would you chose the Elders of BBC to represent you, or would you hire a lawyer from Harvard? Who should you pick? We are after the glory of Christ, the Elders, not the Harvard lawyer, is out to glorify Christ.

4) Isn't it shameful to air dirty laundry? Paul thinks so. 1 Corinthians 6:5-6 I say this to your shame. Can it be that there is no one among you wise enough to settle a dispute between the brothers, but brother goes to law against brother, and that before unbelievers? Do you badmouth your spouse in front of others? Although we are married to sinners, it is shameful to air dirty laundry about our spouses. Similarly, it is shameful to air dirty laundry about others in the church.

5) What would a wise Christian do? 1 Corinthians 6:7-8 To have lawsuits at all with one another is already a defeat for you. Why not rather suffer wrong? Why not rather be defrauded? But you yourselves wrong and defraud-even your own brothers! A wise Christian, if sued, would not want it to go before the unbelieving court. Rather they would want to suffer. They would rather be wronged then have the testimony of Jesus defamed. Everything we own is given to us by God. It is not ours anyways; it is all God's. Also see Matthew 5:40.

CONCLUSION: Love people and other Christians in the church as a family member; do not sue them over civil matters. Suing other Christians is not Biblical, it is bad for both the character of the church and Christ.


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