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Equipping Eve Equipping Eve
Equipping Eve is a ministry for ladies who love the Lord. Equipping Eve exists to equip women with "fruits of truth" from God's Word so that they will be prepared to stand strong in an age that is ripe with deception.
(Part of the Equipping Eve   series).
Equipping-Eve-051-300x154-300x154In these last days, God has spoken to us in His Son. Hebrews 1 tells us this clearly, but the early verses of this epistle also reveal seven excellencies of Christ that demonstrate why it is that this Son possesses the authority to be that final, all-sufficient Word.
by Erin Benziger on January 7, 2017 (Equipping Eve).
(Part of the Equipping Eve   series).
Equipping-Eve-051-300x154-300x154Mary and Joseph. The angels. The shepherds. The wise men. The innkeeper. And of course, the baby Jesus. These are the people we think of when we remember the Christmas story as told in the gospels. But there is another important character introduced in the early days of the life of Christ who often seems to be forgotten. Open your Bibles to Luke 2 and join Erin in a study of Simeon’s psalm.
by Erin Benziger on December 24, 2016 (Equipping Eve).
(Part of the Equipping Eve   series).
Equipping-Eve-051-300x154-300x154She was an elderly widow who had served God her entire life, and she was one of the few people chosen by God to be a witness of the infant Christ. Open your Bible to Luke 2:36-38 and let’s learn a bit more about the woman named Anna.
by Erin Benziger on December 10, 2016 (Equipping Eve).
(Part of the Equipping Eve   series).
Equipping-Eve-051-300x154-300x154It's unlikely that anyone actually gleans their theology from a church sign. Church signs are notoriously cheesy and oftentimes the churches that display them are theologically unsound. Erin drives by lots of church signs everyday, and finally realized that they can make a great teaching tool—of what not to believe, think, or teach. Open your Bible as we seek to debunk more sad church signs.
by Erin Benziger on November 26, 2016 (Equipping Eve).
(Part of the Equipping Eve   series).
EE_icon-08It's unlikely that anyone actually gleans their theology from a church sign. Church signs are notoriously cheesy and oftentimes the churches that display them are theologically unsound. Erin drives by lots of church signs everyday, and finally realized that they can make a great teaching tool—of what not to believe, think, or teach. Open your Bible as we seek to debunk some of these sad church signs.
by Erin Benziger on November 12, 2016 (NoCo).
(Part of the Equipping Eve   series).
EE_icon-08By now, almost every Christian woman is aware of the latest fad of Bible Art Journaling. Can taping stickers in our Bible and doodling in the margins really draw us closer to God? Or is this merely one more way that the whims of the world have crept into the visible church?
by Erin Benziger on October 22, 2016 (Equipping Eve).
(Part of the Equipping Eve   series).
EE_icon-08Open your Bible to the book of Romans and join Erin as we look at how the Apostle Paul, under the divine inspiration of the Holy Spirit, describes a great and glorious exchange.
by Erin Benziger on October 8, 2016 (Equipping Eve).
(Part of the Equipping Eve   series).
EE_icon-08The shelves of Christian bookstores are filled with so-called “Bible study” books, but can you effectively study the Bible without these resources? In this episode, we talk a bit about some methods for Bible study that focus on the most important thing: the Word.
by Erin Benziger on September 10, 2016 (Equipping Eve).
(Part of the Equipping Eve   series).
Equipping-Eve-051-300x154-300x154Erin isn't church shopping, but she has been visiting other churches to observe their style of worship. Listen in as she describes what almost brought her to tears during one of these excursions, and open the Bible with her as she examines this church's teaching and holds it to the only true standard, God's Word.
by Erin Benziger on August 27, 2016 (Equipping Eve).
(Part of the Equipping Eve   series).
Equipping-Eve-051-300x154-300x154The professing Christian community has a variety of views on baptism. In recent years, there was some controversy surrounding so-called “spontaneous baptisms,” but what does the Bible say about this commanded practice?
by Erin Benziger on August 13, 2016 (Equipping Eve).